Spring cleanups provide a host of important services that give your lawn and landscaping a fresh start for the growing season. Once the snow begins to melt, your grass, trees, and plants will come out of winter dormancy and attempt to flourish again.

Without proper maintenance, your lawn may not return to its glory during the season.

Spring Cleanups Typically Include Bed Maintenance, Leaf Removal, Mulch, and Weed Control to Refresh Your Lawn

A lawn in Happy Valley after a spring cleanup.

Spring cleanups typically include bed maintenance, leaf removal, mulch, and weed control to refresh your lawn.

Here are just a few tasks included in our spring cleanups:

  • Bed maintenance - Landscape beds will be cleared of debris, leaves, and weeds. Beds will be reshaped and mulch will be laid.
  • Leaf removal - Accumulation of leaves is bad news for lawns and beds. Leaves can choke plants and prevent proper photosynthesis from occurring. Leaf removal clears the landscape of fallen leaves to allow plants and grass to breathe.
  • Mulch - During spring cleanups, fresh mulch will be laid at the proper depth. Mulch provides critical help with water absorption, erosion control, and weed prevention. Mulch also looks great and fills in gaps where grass won’t grow.
  • Weed control - Our crews will hand weed landscape beds during spring cleanups and apply pre-emergent products to prevent weeds from sprouting.

Spring Cleanups Kickstart Your Lawn With Mowing, String Trimming, Blowing, and Edging

Often times, spring cleanup is the first round of attention a lawn gets after the winter has passed. A nice mow accompanied by trimming, blowing, and edging will kickstart your grass and softscapes for a healthy growing season.

  • Mowing - Following the 1/3 rule, professional crews leave just enough surface area on grass blades to absorb light and nutrients for greener, fuller lawns. A good mow is especially important as the weather changes and grass returns from dormancy.
  • String trimming - During the offseason, vines, weeds, and other growths can accumulate around homes, fencelines, and hardscapes. String trimming helps to cut them down to clean up the overall look of your yard.
  • Blowing - Motorized blowers are used to clear driveways, walkways, and other hardscapes of leaves and debris. Our crew usually blows out beds as well to clear up the soil to allow room for air and water to penetrate.
  • Edging - Curb lines, hardscapes, and walkways will be given a manicure with power edgers. The machine uses a blade to cut a crisp line between grass and hardscapes, retaining walls, and beds to provide a finished look.

Call today to be placed on our schedule this season!

Spring cleanups bring back the organized look of your lawn and landscaping elements, giving your property a refreshed appearance for a healthy growing season.

Call (971) 284-2035 today to schedule a spring cleanup in Gresham, Happy Valley, Troutdale, and the surrounding areas in Oregon.