When the season changes, particularly in spring and fall, many of us begin planning out our seasonal cleaning sprees for the inside of our home. Much like the inside, the outside of our home needs seasonal cleanup too. Seasonal yard cleanups are a vital part of taking care of the look of our property and maintaining its good health.

Seasonal yard cleanups are important for allowing new growth, ridding your yard of weeds, and decreases the number of potential health risks in your yard. Here are some reasons why your yard needs a seasonal cleanup in Gresham, Happy Valley, Troutdale, and the surrounding areas.

Before and after fall yard cleanup in Gresham, OR.

Autumn Cleanups Prepare Your Lawn for the Winter

When winter rolls around, your lawn can sustain some pretty harsh damage due to the cold and snow. A lawn that has not been properly cleaned up by our experts is already in a weakened state throughout the fall, and when winter hits it can devastate your lawn. Leaves that blanket your yard suffocate your lawn, preventing the grass from going through photosynthesis and slowly killing it entirely. Pests also thrive under wet leaves, as do various diseases, fungi, and mold.

Fall cleanup will rid your yard of all these issues and ensure your lawn has the best nutrition and is in the best health to endure the winter months and grow in strong and healthy in spring.

A Fall Cleanup Allows for New Growth in Spring

Seasonal cleanups and debris removal are essential for ensuring fresh, new growth. Letting old debris linger, including organic matter, hinders new growth and sometimes prevents it entirely. Dead leaves, debris, and organic matter all create a blanket over your lawn that smothers it and blocks out water, oxygen, and other crucial nutrients your grass needs to grow healthy and strong. When new growth begins to poke up through your soil, the blanket of matter will crush and kill it. It’s quite common for clutter and debris to crowd out new growth and kill off an entire batch of new grass.

Aerating your lawn alleviates soil compaction and allows grass seeds to nestle deep inside your soil and germinate without being damaged or disturbed by the cold winter air or wind. Once spring returns, these seeds will germinate and grow strong and healthy.

Trimming and pruning trees and shrubs get them back in shape and at an optimum size to receive the maximum benefits from nutrients. Pruning and trimming back dead branches and flowers remove dead weight and allow for new bud growth when spring rolls around.

Before and after debris removal and yard cleanup in Beaverton, OR.

Cleaning Your Yard in the Fall Removes Dangers

Leaf clutter and debris can create serious problems for your lawn, your plants, and your loved ones. Damp, rotting leaves create a sopping blanket that traps moisture, fungus, and mold that can be potentially harmful to your lawn and plants, and your health as well.

It’s very common for pests like spiders and snakes to seek refuge beneath leaf clutter during the fall. When a blanket of leaves coats your lawn it increases the risk of you or loved ones walking through the area and coming into contact with these pests. If bitten, a person can fall very ill and experience many complications depending on the age of the victim and venom of the pest. Thorough fall cleanup will rid your yard of clutter and decreases the likelihood of coming into contact with dangerous pests that pose a threat to your well-being.

Having an experienced landscape company like J&C Lawn Care perform a fall yard cleanup prepares your lawn for the winter, makes room for new growth, and eliminates potential health hazards.

Sign up for our fall yard cleanup service before winter hits!

At J&C Lawn Care, we provide properties in Gresham, Happy Valley, Troutdale, and the surrounding areas with seasonal cleanups that include leaf and debris removal, weed pulling, trimming and pruning, mulch installation, and more. If you’re looking to have your yard returned to an immaculate state, call us today at (971) 284-2035 to set up a consultation.